Original Post
[dunno] dunno

we were dunn0.

Our story is such:
One day, super lord master gracious Satiknee is out on the beach maybe. he saw this clam looking thing. he didn't really know what it was though. He walked right past it, stubbing his toe on a boeing 747. He doesnt know how it get there though. Then, after that, he thought he made this clan. he didnt know why though. One day, super lord master gracious Satiknee is out on the beach maybe. he saw this clam looking thing. he didn't really know what it was though. He walked right past it, stubbing his toe on a boeing 747. He doesnt know how it get there though. Then, after that, he thought he made this clan. he didnt know why though. he also doesnt know why he just c/p'd the story over. Everyone was just fairly sure Satiknee was possibly just like that.

Member list:
we really didnt know.

dont click here, we really doesn't know.

You are sometimes required to be unsure, and to used inappropriate tenses.
that was pretty much it I think.

We think our IRC channel was #hi You should have maybe join it.

Application timed!
To Perhaps joined us you should probably completed the following:

Pay 5k for auto accept***

complete a tested in #hi, probably from Mwah, where you was get asked awkward questions.****

Clan allies

Clan enemies

Single allies

Single Enemies

We have not quite decided

*them people was likely to be only invite to join dunno
**vevryone was not a real person.
***you might not get accept
****probably about your phallus, or your favourited phallic object
*****Just kidded
Last edited by Satiknee; Feb 19, 2012 at 08:27 PM.
I am a magnificent volcano.
oh yeah
Wow your members are not true because, Glow is still in her clan, Chuck is clan-less Redundant is in H so you sure you haven't copied a clan desc ?
Last edited by sofoooo; Feb 20, 2012 at 07:32 PM.
Originally Posted by sofoooo View Post
Wow your members are in true because Glow is still in here clan Chuck is clan-less Redundant is in H so you sure you haven't copied a clan desc ?

sir, try to followed the rules of my clan. I kind of think you should read the entire DSC when posted here. Please did not post here again.
I am a magnificent volcano.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
I am in #hi and I'd like to be tested.

Because Mwah was not here, I'm going to have to redirected you to this test:
if you could possibly fill this out i'll consider your applied.
I am a magnificent volcano.
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
I'm not even a member , ¯\(°_o)/¯

I really dont know how you got there.
I am a magnificent volcano.