Original Post
[SHOP]My 1st Set! Very Cheap.
I know it's not great.
Hell it's not even good.
But it is my 1st set, and I will no doubt improve with the more that I make. Everyone starts somewhere right?

Yes there are flaws that I missed, yes there are a lot of repeated images, but again - it's my first and I will improve over time I'm still getting used to the layout of the different parts, it's taking a while to understand the templates and how they wrap around things.

Like the title says, it will be very cheap. Just make offers, if not maybe you could give me a few tips on how to make better textures? It seems like something I'd like to get in to.
Last edited by Sickshot; Nov 4, 2009 at 07:23 PM.
3 things: First, press "B" twice to get rid of ghost when taking screenies
Second: You should mirror the arms and legs properly like you mirrored the chest
Third: Its very good for a first set. Impressive
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Thanks Cretor
Especially for telling me how to get rid of the ghost, I'll retake the screenshots.
I know I should take up your advice about re-mirroring the arms and legs, but I've already started a new one and I'm not a fan of re-working with things. Thanks a lot anyway though.