Original Post
Clan Bank And Trade Center
Welcome to the Clan Bank And Trade Center.
This is a place what Fusion members can come to "share the love" by donating or selling items they no longer want/need. NEW: if there is an item you realy want but cant afford post and i will add it to the wanted section so everyone can see and if they have a spair one they might send it to you.
Members a also able to take the donated items.
[FSN] members only!

The following items are for sale:
EVERYTHING (at store)

We Have 6600tc (i sent to RDM)

PLEASE donate (if you do, send the items to me and post). Its for the good of the clan.
Please post with ideas to improve the thread.
Last edited by C0XY; Apr 28, 2008 at 09:12 AM. Reason: The Moneys
Why 0TC ?
We had more than 0TC, RDM kept it ?
And where are the 5000TCs coathanger gave us ?
yeah, i want to know where my 1000 tc went. I sent it to RDM, but now i dont know where it is. Is it spended, does he still have it?

(note for self: birthday over 3 days ^_^(4th of feb))
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Originally Posted by Torishop

Forum username : Ragdollmaster

You currently have 3585.50 toricredits.
Total Earnings: 2760 toricredits.

I got a shitload for my birthday, was trying to save up for a head text. Lemme look at my PM's to see how much was donated anyways :3 And worm has coathangers donation.

EDIT: Flicked through my inbox. After sorting through all that birthday junk, primary 50k donation, bets, and regular clan donations, I find we had 2300 TC in our bank. Sending naow.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Feb 2, 2008 at 02:32 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Lol this is just like kick's.
Doesn't matter with me. G'job.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Originally Posted by littlenooby View Post
well now whatever happened to my marine ghost in the trade center did it sell?

how much were you selling it for? (HINT HINT, DO WANT)
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
we kind of just lost to SMASH and owe then 8k i gave them 50tc
No longer playing Toribash, so fuck off