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Juntalis's Personal Army

Juntalis's Personal Army

Please note that this is not a clan. Rather, it is an army. By declaring this organization such, I hereby revoke any right for my group to take part in any sort of clan brawl. I also understand that my group revokes any privilege to its own server. Please note that this organization is forum and irc based and at the moment, has no relevance in-game. In addition, you may be a member of any clan(unless they tell you not to)

Juntalis's Personal Army has no official forum, but will be able to congregate(if they'd like), at #juntalis

Okay, so I noticed that as of late, I've been much more active on the forums. Now, I think I do a good enough job holding my own when debates or arguments break out. Even so, I've decided that I'm cool enough to warrant having an entire army to back up every word I say. This army will be completely based in the forums and irc. There are no plans at this time to extend our reach in-game, as there is really no point.. Though having a server full of Juntalis look-alikes would look pretty awesome. Regardless, to the point at hand. The following is a short list of the rules and regulations in Juntalis's Personal Army.

All soldiers will have the above portrait of Juntalis beside their bed. They will wake every morning, bow to it, and go about their duties.

Juntalis's word is God. Every time he says anything that constitutes as an opinion, you will back him up, without question, no matter how absurd it may sound.

Any soldier of Juntalis's Personal Army must sign a billion year contract of service.

All soldiers enlisted in Juntalis's Army will have a mark of Juntalis on their avatar, in some corner. The mark can be a home-made symbol, or even the symbol used in this post as a bullet-point.

You may be dismissed or audited at any time for any reason during your service in Juntalis's Army.

More rules and regulations may be added at any time. Any existing rule may be removed at any time.

If you'd like to enlist, fill out the following application. Remember, individualism is overrated.

I, _______(fill name) hereby pledge my complete and total obedience to Juntalis as I prepare to enlist in Juntalis's Personal Army. As a soldier of said army, I am sworn to uphold my billion year service contract. Any and all insults of Juntalis is an insult to me. I will defend Juntalis as I would myself, and attack any who oppose his will.

Master General Juntalis
Dark Advisor PlayerID_666
Sergeant Ragdollmaster


* * * All PSs are spiteful, hateful wretches living on society's underbelly. They wish to suppress you and suppress our great cause. Any abuse, harassment, late night phone calls, violent acts, or manipulation will be tolerated, even promoted.

Free donuts on Fridays!
Please note that the PS stuff is a mock-up of Scientology, as is most of this. I don't condone abusing said people, unless they deserve it.

!!! Currently raising 50k toricredits to get a server for IPA and JPA to share, current tc donated: 0
everyone who donates will get their name here, with amount donated deciding your place in the line !!!
Last edited by Juntalis; Mar 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM.
Oh come on now. Isn't this taking it a bit too far in making fun of the organizations?

EDIT: Screw that^, I approve of this. I hear that billion-year contracts are in.
Last edited by Imsku; Mar 8, 2008 at 06:00 PM.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Sign me up.
I respect you and I think this would be fun ^.^

I, Owned674, hereby pledge my complete and total obedience to Juntalis as I prepare to enlist in Juntalis's Personal Army. As a soldier of said army, I am sworn to uphold my billion year service contract. Any and all insults of Juntalis is an insult to me. I will defend Juntalis as I would myself, and attack any who oppose his will.
cna a j0in ya rafl let orngaisatiun? imma b alwas helpn u 2 defet ya enemys11!?ß
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
I am a fag. This is spam.



Oh, just a note, I'll be gone from the 23rd of March to the 27-29th, I am flying to Ontario (Family Business on mom's side) and will have no access to the computers.

Also, would you lik me to make a link in teh sig?

and I am working on a logo of my own ^.^
NOTE You may have your own avatar. All you gotta do is place the head in the bottom right corner or somethin.

The Brotherhood has just concluded their emergency summit on the rise of tyrannical armies across Toribash. It has come to Our attention that your suppressive ways have finally sparked into an entity of hate and destruction. We have unanimously decided that you must be destroyed. Immediately. While our efforts have been passive towards the organizations, you may expect no such leniency. You and your army will be removed from Toribash in any form it may take. We are legion.

Expect us.
Lmao, you come out of no where Silatnu.

Good luck with the army Juntalis.