Original Post
In The Absence of Light

You know the whole life flashing before your eyes deal ? It might just be real, either way life is certainly not what it seemed to be.
You haven't found out that you are sick yet. Listen to this pulse. Who the fuck cares? Who the fuck really cares?

You sigh and close your eyes, it was a good run. It was fine.

How the hell did you even end up here.

Are you a girl or a boy ?
Mmmmmmm let's go with a boy for once, shall we?
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3

You remember playing with little toy cars, yes yes, you certainly remember your mother whining about your bruised knees.

Something happen, you struggle to remember. Did you parents treat you properly ?
Well mom was usually alright, if a bit overprotective. But dad somehow even when he acted nice and caring always seemed to have a half-hidden look of disappointment and disgust.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3

Your parents, they were fine, they looked after you. You weren't such a fuck up back then. Nobody resent you.
It's original genetic entertainment
At some point in middle school you ended up befriending a really shady group of people. Reflecting upon it, this was probably the reason you are here now.
They gave you an opportunity to ease your life. Now, you know fairly well your life wasn't too bad but it wasn't perfect either, just average.

Did you accept the offer ?
Of course! What kid wouldn't accept something that would make their life easier?
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3

Your did take up the opportunity even thought you really have a bad feeling about those people.
You were never the social butterfly other people claimed to be but you gained connections throughout the entire city. This helped you a lot during school you remember. Heh, good times.

reap reap reap seed seed sin sin sinners

You stumble out your creaky "bed" and go for a walk. Gloomy day dis'. No rain, no sun, just a monochrome sky. You still have some money left from the previous operation, not much, just enough to survive the month. This ought' be fixed.
Clench your teeth, clench your eyes, stick out the left and ask for another
You decide that it's time to get a job. You aren't especially good at anything, you are still a student. You do know a few tricks though. Do you decide to look up a honest job or use some of your sources for something...better ?
Well let's at least try to find an honest job.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3

You managed to get hired at a grocery shop. You wake up early in the morning and sometimes work overtime because your boss is a cunt.
The money you are left after rent and food is around 30* where * equals to currency. .
Well...you could always save up some more money by starving or something, hah.

The majority of your clients were fine, but there was this group of gypsies that skrewed around. They always tried to rip you off when paying you. "Hey, put me on tab. I come with money back."
With creaks in chairs transfixed hole
They come around almost daily. It's stomping your nerves to the ground. How did you deal with it ?

Inventory : 30*
Tell them their tab has reached a limit and they need to pay a bit off before adding to it. Keeping a knife under the bench in case something is tried.