Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Gds] Guardians

Clan found by JorreI14 and Revived once by ARMIN0. After his betrayel taken over by count3rl33
Beware, Guardians are Watchin' YOU!

Five hundred years ago, a corrupt king once ruled the Kingdom of Silvatica. He executed people even in the smallest of crimes. He forced people to pay the king in gold. If they had no money to give to the king, the price they must pay is their life. One day, the king killed the wife a rebellious villager to warn him of what's to come; leaving him with his 2 children. He was angered, furious. He wanted the king dead. He gathered vigilantes all over the kingdom to do battle with the king. The rebellious individual's name? Erminchester Monirzadeh II.

^That's him.

The day has finally come. Erminchester's army has obliterated the king's forces. He was about to slay the king when he saw his wife's soul. He thought that it would be wrong to kill the king. Erminchester let the king but he was grateful that he spared his life. The king left the throne and gave it to Erminchester. The king left the kingdom to ensure peace. Erminchester's rebellion against the king has saved the Kingdom of Salvatica from corruption and demoralization.

What was the name of Erminchester's army? Guardians


Ingame room

GA (Guardians Arena)



1, Do not double clan.
Respect fellow members and other players.
3, Use common sense.
4, Do not spam!
5, Do not farm posts.
6, Do not make personal threads without permission.
7, Do not run off-topic.
8, Do not beg.
9, Do not insult.
10, Do not argue too much.
11, Do not troll too much.
12, Always keep in mind that it's the whole clan who decides, not you.
13, Be active.

The leader is the best of the clan.
He's the one who decides on clan events, wars, recruits, promotions, etc.

The co-Leaders are the leader's assistants.
They watch over Guardians.
They can give their suggestions straight to the leader.


Highest Member. They can't attend clan events, recruit new members, warn fellow Guardians and create new events.
(5th Dan, attended min 5 Clan wars, stayed in the clan for atleast 6 months, will be chosen by coldr/ldr)


High Member. They can attend clan events and recruit new members.
(4th Dan, attended min 3 Clan wars.)

semi-high members of clan.
They can attend clan events.
(3rd Dan, attended min 1 Clan War)

normal members of clan.
They can attend clan events.
(2nd Dan)

New members of the clan.
They can't attend clan events.
They need to show their activity and merit for becoming a Guardian to the leader to get promoted.
(Blackbelt, 200 Posts)

Trial member
New members of the clan.
Need to proof themselfes.
Are in the clan for testing they activity and maturity. The clan will decide on them after 2 weeks of trial. (



Clan video




have an elo-rating over 1666

show a special replay. Either a Boom or Split in under 200 frames, or dancing/freerunning. All under normal gamesettings but with -30 grav

attended 10 Clan Wars

attended 30 Clan Wars

stayed in this clan for over 1 year

Raddemon9, Jorrei14, Falzar09, count3rl33, killer3805, souldevilj

made a video with an average voting of 8/10

donate more than 50k tc to the Bank

have a many streak in any official mod. Proof with screenshot.
Last edited by count3rl33; Jan 29, 2013 at 11:41 PM.