Original Post
Discovery! plus a tut....
ok ive noticed that Veb has something like for say raining pringles in game well i figured out how to have any raining image in game!

all you do is...

1.) Make an image however you like, (Make sure its 128x128 )
2.) save it
3.) convert it into a .tga
4.) and rename it Part_0

Edit: you also can add Part_1, Part_2, Part_3, and so on, to create a animated raining image!

And Vwala! you have a raining image!
(Srry i cant post any images my computer screen shot thingy is FUXXXED up right now)
Last edited by Shinobiboy; Jun 6, 2008 at 08:52 PM.
If you make part_0, part_1, part_2, etc, the game will cycle them showing each frame for about a half second.

See grarrr's custom folder for example
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
Use search button. This has been noticed before (here, for example).
Oh, and it's "Voiloi", not "Vwala".
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
Use search button. This has been noticed before (here, for example).
Oh, and it's "Voiloi", not "Vwala".


We figured it out before in the thread drakhir pointed out. if you login as grarrr he has flying bats and stuff, part_0, 1, 2, etc.

Originally Posted by Jok View Post
Voila. Not vwala, not voiloi, not viola.

Keep in mind TGA's have to be uncompressed.

Err...yeah. [-loi]

These "falling textures" work as the body ones, 128x128, .tga, etc.