Original Post
[-STC] SoulTrapClan

Thanks MrBoXMan For the Epic picture!

Welcome to the Soul Trap Clan's official Forum page!

The story behind this clan:

Bbq4life, otherwise known as Chrisoribash on the forums, was an applicant to many Clans. They rejected and Discriminated him because of his level and type of fighting. So this man rebelled and became a rogue. He swore that he'd defeat anybody who hated him, and trap their soul to be used later, to make him and his allies stronger. Then one awful day two people started fighting on his forums and sadly he couldn't bare it so he destroyed the clan. Then Abdydude wanted to revive the clan so badly and here we are with the new SoulTrapClan.

1. Be Mature!
2. Belt Must be Brown or Higher.
3. Don't You Dare spam. It's idiotic.
4. Must know some aikido and have good reaction-time.

( Asterisk is something neccessary to complete a goal.)

- Become official []
-get 10k in clan bank []
-get 4 or more members [x]
-get to at least rank 20 in clan list [ ]

Single Allies:

Clan Allies:
[-Ethr]Ethereal Clan
[-NGY]NightGlory Clan
[-ReflexZ]ReflexZ Clan
[-KOA]KittehOnAcid Clan
[-Horror]Horror Clan

And Most Importantly....

Applications can be posted in reply to this thread!


Btw Minimum Belt is Brown Belt

Once you apply, I will get back to you ASAP!

Master Soul (rank 1) - The one and only Abdydude


Soul Reapers (rank 2) - Co-leaders of the Clan.


Soul Sucker (rank 3) -

Soul Templar (rank 4)-

Soul Assassin (rank 5)-

Soul Warrior (rank 6) -


Soul Knight (rank 7) -


Recruits (rank 8 - Fresh members!!)


Inactive (rank 9 - Inactive members)

Soul Bank (rank 10 - The Bank)



You must do the following to advance in rank

Recruit > Soul Knight= Win 10 matches as a Member of the Soul Trap Clan, and pay 100-300 toricredits to TrapClanBank.

Soul knight > Soul Warrior= Win 20 MORE matches and pay 400-700 toricredits to the bank.

Soul Warrior > Soul Assassin= Win 20 MORE games and pay 800-1k toricredits to the bank.

Soul Assassin > Soul Templar= win 40 MORE matches, win 2+ tourneys and pay 1600 toricredits to the bank.

Soul Templar > Soul Sucker= Win 60 MORE matches and win 5+ tourneys, finish off with paying 2k to the bank.

Private Message Me For concerns and progress. One last thing: Lying about the matches you've played will pretty much Destroy your chances of me letting you help manage the clan when you're soul Reaper. Thanks.


Donations can be sent ( ToriCredits) to the user "TrapClanBank". We are trying to get 10k in the Soul Trap bank so we become official! If you donate, you will be ranked up in the Clan and opped on all SoulTrap Servers. Thank you
Last edited by Abdy; Aug 21, 2012 at 07:42 PM. Reason: title name
Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
Hope you get this clan up and running,
i'l donate tc for your cause xD.

thank you
Il save up my tc to donate for clan :3


on first page :3
Last edited by Zylone; Aug 2, 2012 at 12:02 PM.
Let's give this clan everything we have to make it better then before! Saving up TC now. :3
Last edited by bbush; Aug 2, 2012 at 07:40 PM.
i bought the tag for 10k with my money and when we get it we will make a recruitment server and test their skill.
was saving up for 10k for clan but than that relax i wanted(i waz so weak i had to buy it :|) for half price in market (evil people ) D: so now i have to start saving up again lol
Last edited by Zylone; Aug 2, 2012 at 08:08 PM.