Original Post
Instagib Lessons
In order to sign up you must first, private message me with this form:

How long will you be taking lessons:
What belt you are:
When you want to take them:
What you are willing to pay me:
Are you in [MasterStrike]:


Some examples of some moves i teach are attatched

Times i'm available

Sun:10:30 - 9;00
Sat:2:30 - 10:00[Thats only if i don't have soccer]
Mon-Fri: 3:30 - 10:00
Last edited by DanielJr; Nov 13, 2008 at 01:37 AM.
Items under 1000TC in my shop have lowered prices!
Are you serious?
A retarded monkey could play instagib.

The first move is awful.

The walk isn't legit because you used a mod.

The last one is like the tutorial included in the game.

Please, don't pay for these lessons, don't even watch the replays. If this is some sort of sick joke, please tell me, although it seems like a stupid attempt to get credits. Please leave.
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.