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Flame Forge option
So, those of you who have wing flames or any flame that goes in a direction other than up or down, you know that when you're on uke's side the flames go forward(in the case of wings, im using them as an example) so the wings come out of your chest instead of your back.

My idea is, to have an option in the flame forge to reverse the gravity when the player is on uke's side of the arena, it would make flames much better because then they look good no matter where you are on the field
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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I don't exactly know how they would accomplish this, although it is a nice idea. Flames coming out your chest doesn't look nice. I'd have to guess that there'd be a script detecting which side you're on, and then modifying the flame appropriately. If they did implement this(I don't believe it will, I think it might require a change to the games physics engine, they said they weren't going to change anything in the client now) Say you're in a spar, and your flames get reversed so they look normal(your on ukes side) what happens to those flames when you switch side and turn around? They would go back through your chest again.

~Supported if possible.
Originally Posted by Hucota7 View Post
Isn't that what "rotatable" under the coordinates tab is for?

afaik, that rotates the velocity only, not gravity. not entirely sure.
Your pal,