Original Post
(rotted) rotted limbs

Clan story
One day Synner was walking out to go buy a pack of smokes then he looks right and saw a horrible green creature charging at him.Not knowing what to do Synner began to run but it was no use the creature was faster than he could ever imagine. The green creature leaped on to his neck and sunk his long yellow teeth into synner flesh. Synner began to feel a unbearable throbbing pain in his neck. His arms and legs began to grow bigger and stronger! He felt the sudden need for brains he began to rampage through the city and infect more and more people and they all became rotted!
[ ] Become official
[ ] Become well known
[ ] Reach 50k in clan bank
[ ] Become well known
[ ] we also want some active quality members
1:Respect all fellow clan members!
2:Play with dignity.
3:Also always remember to have fun!
4:All members must play a fee of 200 tc a month to help with clan wars and other clan needs.
Leaders: synner1976
Masters : Berrythegreat , Rhyn0 , Naternasty
Upandcomer: Essarios34
Cleanup: Diss9diss , Orochi259 , Kendill8
Scrubs: Toriclash16 , Maddix2398
Last edited by cardsynner; Apr 13, 2013 at 10:17 PM.
Can you put me higher in the ranks?
Cardsynner can you re-invite me i was hacked and they made me leave
Last edited by likeatori; Sep 24, 2012 at 06:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hey my belt belt is brown like 250 games intill black my ingame name is darkerevil my real name is Justin my skill is 10! i swear i will make it to the 2nd top rank put the proplem is i won't post as much as you think because i don't have internet i haft to go to my friends and use his nabores wi-fi so yeah think aboutit but please let me join
It seems a few things are missing...actually a lot of things. Please read the rules and guidelines thread on the clan forum on how to make a clan.
Wow guys seriously
Your members are terrible
They keep banning me because of something that happened 6 months ago
Get different members and kick them.
They are:

click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
Wow guys seriously
Your members are terrible
They keep banning me because of something that happened 6 months ago
Get different members and kick them.
They are:


Lol synner for one is the leader dipshit and I was banning you because you were spamming not because of the things that happened 6 months ago dipshit. If you spam a lobby prepared to get banned that's common sense.
rotted limbs one of my fav clans but cant get in by invite so im asking if you can just here me out loud let me join rotted limbs so i can be as luckey as all you guys
:by headshot56