Original Post
Where do we post ban reports for ping abusers?
This guy just rejoins a tournament after losing badly because he abuses his ping by causing it to timeout.

His name is "PlagueRaven" and he won the tournament for twinswords. He was ranked like 300ish (because presumably he abuses all the time and never loses).

A player "toriarts" beat him and can confirm. It's just unfair and super annoying when he does this in the auto TOURNAMENTS for 500TC.

I'll post screenshots as soon as I can find where the hell they're saved to...

Or if someone could teach me where to find them, that would be nice.
Default place for screenshots: C drive>Games>Toribash>screenshots

You should pm a GM about such users.

A list of online GMs can be found at the bottom of the main forum page:

Alternatively you can try to contact a GM on the GM irc: