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Bro Lounge

Here lies the conglomeration of all those Broly.

The Bro Lounge is currently the meeting place of all Bros within the Toribash Community. We strive for excellence, not for acceptance. May you all bask in our glory. Following the Bro Code we will co-exist in our lounge doing whatever it is that the Bros wish. IRC is our gathering zone where we can discuss anything we want privately. Here our panel of experts will be present to give advice if the good lord has failed you, afterwards that's what broshipness is all about.

We are an invite-only group, If you so wish to become recognized as a Bro, meet us in IRC and if you must, forward a PM to the Big Bros & Brodfather containing an explanatory paragraph of why you deserve to be a [Bro]. NOTE: Any applicants who have not been in our IRC channel #broskies won't be considered. Try to do your best and befriend everyone in the lounge, don't waste our time bro.

Big Bros:

  • Doxxy - Broxxy
  • FreshPrins
  • Dashel
  • Alan

  • lsl
  • Noomy
  • 2worlds
  • Tre - Supreme Chancellor of the Baller Realm
  • Fish
  • Corey
  • Tinerr
  • Uric - Broic
  • Edjr
  • BenDover
  • Phail
  • Aj
  • Lwafflez
  • Dargon
  • Tertywerty
  • XWOLFz
  • vespesi3n
  • Mosier
  • sid
  • Clow
  • Gum
  • EchoForce
  • Zinx
  • Tart
  • Splinter - brocannondude
  • assassin8r - big bro wannabe
  • TheSorrow AKA I can't remember his new nick.
  • Solax - No self-respect brother

Pending & Invited Brothers:

No ranks, no differences, just general bromance.
Too bad we are dead.
Last edited by Alan; Feb 1, 2011 at 12:07 PM. Reason: Broshipness added.
The Bro Code,
Dashel's pick.

Bro Article No.2
Help a Bro out if given the chance.

Bro Article No.3
Bros before hoes.

Bro Article No. 4

A Bro shall never reveal the score of a sporting event to another Bro until that Bro has thrice confirmed it's cool.

Bro Article No.5

A Bro may not speculate on the expected Bro chick ratio of a party or venue without first disclosing the present-time observer ratio with the help of a non-biased Bro.

Bro Article No.6
If a Bro, for whatever reason, becomes aware of another Bro's girlfriend's birthday and/ or anniversary date, he shall ensure to make that information available to his Bro, regardless of whether he thinks his Bro already knows.

Bro Article No.7
One Bro makes a solo attack:
A second Bro provides a crutch.
A third Bro rounds out the pack,
But a fourth Bro is too much in the same room with chicks.

Bro Article No.8
Should a Bro be near to closing with a girl, his Bro shall do anything within his means to ensure the desired outcome, up to and including the seduction of said girl's wildly unattractive cousin/ friend/ mother.

Bro Article No.9
Bros before hoes.

Bro Article No.10
In the event that two Bros acquire the same target, the Bro with the longer dry spell has dibs. Should they dry spells be of equal length, a game of discreet roshambo shall determinate the outcome.

Bro Article No.11
In a scenario in which two or more Bros are engaged in Entertainment of adult variety, one Bro is forbidden from intentionally or unintentionally touching another Bro in ANY capacity, including but not limited toc the high-five, the fist bump, or the congratulatory gluteal pat. Winking is also kind of a no-no.

Bro Article No.12
A Bro must provide his Bro with a ticket to an event if said event involves the second Bro's favorite sports team in a playoff scenario.

Bro Article No.13
If a Bro suffers pain due to permanent dissolution of a relationship with a lady friend, a Bro shall offer nothing more than a “that sucks, man”, and copious quantities of beer. A Bro will also refrain from pejorative commentary – deserved or not – regarding said lady friend for a period of three months, when the requisite BACKSLIDE WINDOW has closed.

Bro Article No.14
If a Bro be on a hot streak; another Bro will do everything possible to ensure its longevity, even if that includes jeopardizing his own records, the missing of work, or temporary immigration to a foreign country.

Bro Article No.15
Provide at least three condoms if a Bro requires.

Bro Article No.16
A bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his Bros are all doing it.

If a Bro doesn't follow the code he is not a real Bro and should not be allowed in / instantly kicked out of the lounge after breaking the code more than two times.
Last edited by Dashel; Dec 12, 2010 at 12:51 PM.
Bro Lounge general advising;



Countless times the bro lounge has picked up on some chumps in IRC whining about some girl that just friend zone'd their asses. And quite frankly, the brouncil is sick of it. So as a service to the greater Toribash community, our team of ladies men have put together this handy-dandy little guide to turn you into a Casanova. LET'S READ ON.

1. Be fashionable. Holler holler pop that collar. You ever heard of Iron Fist? The baddest martial artist in the Marvel Universe? Well he pops his collar and do you think anybody fucks with him? Hell no, and the girls love his K'un L'un swagger.

2. Have a colorful vocabulary. Swearing shows bitches that you're the fucking man and you just don't give a shit. Asshole. Fuck you.

3. Be active. Nothing shows you're a real man than the fact that you love to pack down with a bunch of other real men and push each other around in a violent sweaty haze for a couple of hours, just to cool down in a group shower afterwards.

4. Show some culture. Girls love cultured men, and a cultured man should always have a good understanding of cinema. What better way to impress than to flaunt your knowledge of the most moving and powerful saga in recorded history. Star Wars. You give a list of the key events leading to the foundation of the Empire, and she'll be on all fours in no time.

5. Playful teasing. They loved it in 2nd grade and they love it now. A little bit of harmless teasing can really pull you and your Miss Right together. Here's a couple of guaranteed charmers; "Wow! Is that you, _____, or did some ugly bitch eat _____?", and "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because it looks like you landed right on your face in a thorn bush. Put some make-up on you stupid tramp."

6. Entertain her. A few simple magic tricks can go a long way. Put a few dazzlers in your arsenal that you can do anywhere. For example, ask for a $20 note. With a little bit of sleight of hand put it in your wallet, and she'll be all giggles! And you'll be laughing all the way to the bank, bro!

7. Be a sex guru. Show her that when you get to doing the nasty, you'll know what to do. Name-drop your favorite porn stars and their finer works, including a quantitative measure of their quality, like how many times you've fapped to it. Be careful though, you don't want to use your encyclopedic knowledge of skin-flicks in a discriminatory fashion. Show her that you're diverse by mentioning your favourite gay porn too.

8. Embody fitness. If you don't go to the gym for 4 hours a day, how will you be able to protect her? Make sure she KNOWS you're one muscly motherfucker by taking your shirt off and roaring to make a first impression.

9. Passionate. Passion is an attractive quality, and nothing shows passion like getting something etched into your skin forever. Girls also love shopping, so if you get a bunch of brand names for ink, she'll be all over you. Write a thank you letter to Dolce & Gabbana when that forehead tat pulls all the chicks.

10. Apathy. This is the key. They want what they can't have, so follow a few simple rules, and the game is won. Never call her, if she says you in passing, don't say hi, if she comes over, don't open the door, and if she's naked in a bed waiting for you, go make a sandwich and play Black Ops.

Put together by your friendly neighbrohood bro lounge.


2worlds' advice on how to be a good looking Bro:


Bro Lounge Bro to Bro Guide; How to succeed in the first date.

Many Bros don't know what to do on the first date, the Brouncil is sick of seeing sad bros so we have made this guide for you to understand what to do on the first date and how to give a good impression, we ensure you will get lucky.

The first impression. This is the most important part of the whole date, make sure you are dressing like a Bro, shown in 2worlds guide on how to look like a legit Bro. Chicks dig man who can protect them and are hard to get, play hard to get and threat her like a dipshit while showing your big biceps, swearing is a big plus in the first impression, try to make hilarious jokes on how the fuck she is an ugly whore or how an stupid dumb bitch she is, most important of all, always force her to call you her "daddy".

Dinner time. Don't even think about taking her to nice restaurants, take her to a cheap restaurant and threat the staff like shit to show your position as the macho alpha. When you are done eating complain about the food tasted like shit and don't pay anything, make sure to show your big biceps all the time. Remember, if the manager of the restaurant proves that your food was completely fine and didn't taste like dog shit trying to make you pay, tear your shirt apart and yell "Who's your daddy" until he runs away, if by any chance it doesn't work, force your date and make her pay for everything.
NOTE: This might not work with cops.

Qualified Restaurants:
  • McDonalds
  • Burgerking
  • Taco Bell

Taking her home. After having a nice free meal you must make her feel like a woman again, remind her who is her daddy and slap her like a fucking bitch until you can't be stressed enough, keep in mind if there's no blood, it's not enough. Obviously she will take you in if you follow these easy points, the next is up to you Bro.
Last edited by BrodFather; Dec 17, 2010 at 04:14 AM. Reason: Broshipness added.
Originally Posted by BrodFather View Post
go make a sandwich and play Black Ops.

Fuck yes. Because playing with bros beats the hoes anyday. cool guide bro.
I wish I could join you bros but I'm banned from the irc :v
Originally Posted by walid869 View Post

I'm with ya Bro.*Bro fist.

nominating walid689 for bro
However, lacking:

Intimidating face
Hollister shirt.
no visible popped collars

But aside from those, bro like. 6 out of 10. (Lack of popped collars brought you down a few pegs)
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ