Original Post
It's Another Reboot

My Impeccable Inability to Keep a Thread Open

To start off this thread is nothing fancy, just 550 frames of falling with style, I'll have more tomorrow.

I'm stiff, I know, I've got a few months of rust to shake out of these joints.

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$- Reboot Warm up.rpl (193.0 KB, 40 views)
Last edited by Draku; Mar 24, 2016 at 04:50 PM.
Can't talk. Things to do, people to kill...
Well, its actually a pretty good replay. The only things I have to say are in your first spin/punch, it would have looked much better if the elbow had been relaxed. The other thing I have to say is that after your third landing/cork, when you suddenly extended your wrist, it was very noticeable, even while looking a the Tori's back. Other than these things, it was a great replay. Better than I could hope to do. I am in love XD
Kyure Moderated Message:
Make sure you explain why you like the movies!
But..But..It was scary ;-;
He hasn't done replays for a year or so,
Pretty sure he told me this was from a year ago,It's a nice replay but i'd love to see what he can do now,Draku is pretty skilled,Draku you should try to do some manip and boom hits :3,I think everyone would like to see that lol,Especially from you to start off with.
opener is good
acually you could do a cork or something from that set up you got there
dont hold your knee just let it go as a kick
last trick has a wierd set up but the trick itself looked pretty good
need more speed tho
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Bigdog was close but no cigar. I had just made that replay the other day, but prior to it I had been pretty rusty. Still am too, I can't get anything more out of this replay tonight. (Not going to force it.) Thought I'd leave you off with the opener I came up with though. It was pretty random, and it's not your typical opener but I think I can work with it.

I was thinking of grabbing ukes hand when mine makes contact with his to pull me closer to uke for the delivery. Also, seeing as how two separate people noted I need to speed it up I'll work on it. Thanks for the feedback.
Attached Files
$- Flip.rpl (46.7 KB, 22 views)
Can't talk. Things to do, people to kill...
Still haven't made anything out of that opener, but here's a new one. I feel I've improved.
Attached Files
$- Temperance.rpl (158.1 KB, 19 views)
Can't talk. Things to do, people to kill...