Original Post
Clan League
Hey there!

As many of you may know the clan league is fast approaching. It's been anticipated for months now and the first round will be starting next weekend!

In order to arrange times for each clan we've introduced a nomination system.
You will be able to pick 3 preferred times out of 6 suggested times. These times are:

00:00gmt, 04:00gmt, 08:00gmt, 12:00gmt, 16:00gmt and 20:00gmt.

Once your clan has nominated 3 times please send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Also, if you have any clan members that no longer belong to the clan or different participates please include this information in the e-mail.
You will be unable to compete if you don't get this e-mail in before Friday.

<@Opeth> No, they should get the worst texturer
* @Opeth suggests <censored>
<@hanz0> good suggestion
<@Opeth> I don't understand how you can make textures for so long and not improve in the slightest
<@hanz0> it is because his learning curve is more of a learning horizontal line

are we allredy in this fight?

anyhow.... if we gotta nominate 3.... then im fine with 12,16 and 20....and maby 8GMT.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Too much is happening right now, Can't make it.
<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
The League has begun! It can be found here. Good luck to all who compete!
<@Opeth> No, they should get the worst texturer
* @Opeth suggests <censored>
<@hanz0> good suggestion
<@Opeth> I don't understand how you can make textures for so long and not improve in the slightest
<@hanz0> it is because his learning curve is more of a learning horizontal line
I dont really know if I am in this.. I was supposed to be in this with Discount_Death though.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black

I didnt even know core had sign up for this.....

but since we´re in we need a team.... and we need it quick... if it starts in 2 days. on friday that should be.

I can maby show up... I dont know yet since I might have snowmobile test then.... and also I would most likly just pull this clan down lol...

so I want 4 guys that voulentairs... (dunno how to spell that)

4 active guys who is fairly good in many modes.

When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!