Original Post
~{ Modding Contest! }~
-only one mod per person.
-NO holding spots (you will be added to the list when you post your mod).
-you can use a mod you've already made.
-you can change your mod at any time before the voting.
-winner will be desided with a vote (i will also be voting :P)
-prize is 1000 credits and a little secret prize =D so make them good!

anybody can join
contestents: ~ mod ~ special settings:
- Jam0864 ~ realisticmotorlancing.tbm ~ distance=2000+ (Personal favourite of 3000), height=30, Self Damage=OFF, DM threshold=1000000000
- Irtorius ~ Werevamp vs Warrior.tbm ~ none
- The Dirty Carl ~ dualpistols.tbm ~ none
- Drakhir ~ Rasengan.tbm ~ Recommended distance: 300
- TheMuumi ~ 0001.tbm ~ none
- Casey ~ rubber men.tbm ~none

(mods are downloadable from above links)
Last edited by MrPoptart; Aug 6, 2007 at 05:50 AM. Reason: Update