Originally Posted by Zhask View Post
Name : Zhask

Discord Name : Ervin#9064

Age : 15

GMT : ( UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta

Activity : I'm usually play Toribash after school. I play sometimes 4 hours, depends on the situation ( Vacation, etc )


Introduction :

Hello, my name is Ervin. I have been playing this game since 2015, but be'cause i forgot my old account password, i make the new one ( This One )

I'm 15 years old, I have been playing this game for 4 years now
I got a lot of hobbies, I like playing piano/organ, and I like drawing too.

I'm pretty quiet person, be'cause im the only son in my family ( actually i have an older brother, but my mom abort him before his born ( in her womb ). So, if my parents go somewhere, and i left alone, i feel like there's no friend at all. Even my schoolmates goes with another friens that i haven't quite know yet. So, it's kinda depressing.

The mods that i like is Boxshu and Mushu. But, i'm pretty good at twinswords too. Usually, i play alot of aikido, pretty good as well. But when i retired about a year from 2018 since i forgot my password, i didnt play aikido much, so i'm rusty at it.

I have a friend from Indonesia, his name ( account ) Angels, i saw him with the clan tag [z]

I have been previously with other clan. It's SixPaths, it was number 1 around season 4 - 5? ( i kinda forgot, since i was kicked be'cause unactive, the password thingy again )

I like to do some spar. Usually with my game friends, i make alot of replays of it. But since my laptop is damaged, i need to use another one laptop. So the replay file isnt there.

Why do I wan't to join zero?

I feel alone when no clan since back then. All of my game friends have a clan name tag, so, why not? I usually feel better by joining one of the clan, especially the official one. I felt like the suggestion by having a clan, makes me more powerful like i haven't felt before.

I want to join Boxshu Group, or Mushu. I Really like the mod.

I want to join the clan to be apart of the best and respectful players in the clan, have more friends and be with PewPew that will be official %100 in the future.

Note : I'm not good at english, the worst at grammar. I'm asian by the way. Thanks for noticing.

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