15th of August (remastered application)

dear [Tank],

This is Lampito, you don't know me and I don't know you. But Rome wasn't built in a day and you hear them say, the perfect clan application doesn't exist. So here's the perfect one.

Lampito, tell me to explain the name to you and I'll disconnect from the server- But today I'm going to tell you..
The name was an inspiration of when a young not as hot, Selena Gomez said "Lampito" as an answer to the Spanish translation of Lamp. And that's where I got it from. You read it here first. You can watch that moment on the link below.

Lampito (0:10)

My Tinder Bio

As far as personal information goes, I'm 18 bouta head off to college to study business. Cool story right. I like smoking weed, women, expensive clothes and making that cash money(with an ethical conscious, duh). People tell me I'm a bit of douche, but I don't see it. I like to be real, that's all.

In-Game Skills

I've been hooked on aikido and any mods around that setting(greykido, abd). I have a lot of experience in aikido. My weakness would be expanding my skills to reach the more hip mods like judofrac, boxshumushu, lenshu, etc.

I don't have replays to show you, but I've been on ConCon doing a pretty shitty replay you can check that out here: (shoutout to ConCon wherever he be)

Replay (0:07)

Why I want to join:

I like doing war and reppin a clan what can I say. Plus I dig the name <3. Yall not that active, but time can fix that.


Last edited by Lampito; Aug 15, 2019 at 10:45 PM.