youre movements are great, just what youre doing with them is ugly, first of all you let uke touch the ground, then you kick him under the glutes whil only dming the abs, wouldve been fine if the glutes were included aswell. your kick to his torso glanced over almost all of the joints before hitting the elbow and hand, which are okay dms if it seemed you were aiming for them. having the ground dm uke is fine if there's enough power in your throw of him, but the three most impressive dms of this replay were provided in the most unimpressive manner. some other things are, you let your head take damage, you grabbed uke to lift him back up (which should not be necessary in a manipulation), and there were a couple stops in your momentum due to the rotation of your chest. now looking at this replay, it seems like it was made in a rush by both you and muun, so im going to hope it was since you guys are both amazing players. your experience in tricking and realism comes through in your movements, but quite often you guys leave a straggling arm for a little too long without movement. overall 4/10 mainly because of how clean your movement was. continue ukebashing and im sure youll get really good once you learn how to boom and aim kicks properly (i know you can, but its different in ukebash)
Last edited by EPOCH; Aug 26, 2019 at 05:53 PM.