Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Fuck CVS

Originally Posted by nervau View Post
The Great Toribash TC Sellers Alliance really held hands and pledged to sell TC on that 12k/$ bullshit LOLLL

Originally Posted by Fire View Post
Their own members arent even selling at that rate themselfs, how are they even expecting this to work? Worst idea ever

Smaguris, let these posts go to show that the people who set the price do not care about farming, or the health of the economy, or a fair exchange price, or anything of the sort.

a reminder from the OP:

WHEREAS: The peer-to-peer cash-for-TC exchange market has for too long been run by randomness, and the going price set by the whims of those without our best interest in mind.

these posts show not only the randomness and lack of forethought behind the current exchange price, but malice! there is malice behind it! I appreciate that you think about it critically, smaguris, but no one else does.

moreover, a ban on bot farming could be another goal of this organization--seeking to lower the price and banning the practices which keep it inflated go hand in hand.