love u mack

and to answer jisse: the only reason I use the mod (and I think mack and anyone else who uses it will agree with me here) is not because it makes tricking easier, it's because it allows much more realistic movement in a certain sense

xspar is great but it has it's limitations no matter how amazing you are at using it, dub cork is possible but it's never been done nicely because the only way to do it is to glitch the rotation of the legs

the difficulty of bouncenot is remaining grounded because it is incredibly easy to become too floaty but once that is achieved the possibilities are almost endless (trip cork eludes me because tb hates rotation past a certain point) however I have successfully swung out of a trip full from cart

I attached a replay that took me a little over an hour, it's nothing special and far from creative (and it's certainly not clean) but I was messing around with different spin setups (sitting, tak, wrap, swing) and thought I should share
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banana splits.rpl (403.2 KB, 28 views)