Original Post
New ELO System
The old post didn't have a direction, so I updated the post with some sample calculations at the bottom.

Old Post

I wanted to suggest that victories against opponents of the same tier should give the players the most points towards leveling up, whereas defeating players who are different ranks should decrease the reward earned substantially for each rank distant the player is.

This is because I lost against a low rank player and I had to win at least 5 games just to gain back what I've lost.

Let me show a few examples instead; Not FULLY thought of, but just an example.

Equal Tier Point Calculations
Going against players of the same tier
- Gold 2 winning against Gold 2 : +1.9 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Gold 2: -1.7 ELO

+1 / -1 Tier Point Calculations
Going against players + 1 tier away from you
- Gold 2 winning against Gold 1 : +1.2 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Gold 1: -0.85 ELO

Going against players - 1 tier away from you
- Gold 2 winning against Gold 3 : +1.1 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Gold 3: -1.2 ELO

+2 / -2 Tier Point Calculations
Going against players +2 tiers away from you
- Gold 2 winning against Platinum 3 : +0.55 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Platinum 3: -0.35 ELO

Going against players -2 tiers away from you
- Gold 2 winning against Silver 1 : +0.4 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Silver 1: -0.6 ELO

+3 and above / -3 and below Tier Point Calculations
Going against players +3 tiers away from you
- Gold 2 winning against Platinum 2 : +0.08 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Platinum 2: -0.04 ELO

Going against players -3 tiers away from you
- Gold 2 winning against Silver 2 : +0.05 ELO
- Gold 2 losing against Silver 2: -0.09 ELO
Last edited by Karstnator; Mar 14, 2022 at 10:26 PM.

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]