Original Post
I have a confession to make
Listen guys I know this might be hard to take but I just have to say it. It's something that's been on my mind a long time, something I've thought about very clearly and deeply. I hope that you take what I'm about to say positively as it may in turn make you a better player. I think that the community is in dire need for this knowledge, as it will allow them to openly accept the truth and disband their alter ego's. I'm too good at this game.

Yes, It is true - I'm genuinely too good for this game, to the point where I have no competition. Have you ever heard of the concept of being the strongest in a known universe? The protagonist (ME in this case) tends to have a dark cloud that hangs over their head - they can't find an opponent capable of withstanding their power and therefore never feel that "rush" like surmounting a seemingly unbeatable mountain. I am one punch man, I am jack dempsey, I am the annihilator of toribash. You are graced with being witness to such greatness whenever I am online. Don't take it for granted - there are barely, if not any players that can even hope to match my indomitable will, spirit and determination. I hope this message challenges you to be better and try step to this because I continuously find myself streaking lobbies time and time again (ON MODS I DONT EVEN PLAY!!!) - sometimes I play at a disadvantageous position just to challenge myself as the opponent totally lacks that. I just want someone on my level and I haven't even played for 5 years!

You can find me online, throwing the gauntlet beneath everyone's feet!