Original Post
[video]tori war
so im making a video about war
it will have enviroment and epic shaders
its not a replay video, you will be able to hold guns and pull the trigger.
everything will react in to another .

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things that will come in the video:

1.when you pull the trigger and it hits the opponent , it will react with the opponent making a splash of blood coming out of the hit body part.

2.there will be a tank. might be M3 tank and only 2 ppl will be riding on it, the gunner, the driver.

3.it will be an advanced war , not future, not medievel, not historic, just normal weapons we have today.

4.the camera will rotate around.

5.blood everywhere.

6.environment you can stand on (this will take a while to make).

7.no planes , sorry cause it is hard to make .

there would be a part were a tori loses his gun but then somone from the back hits him.

9.i havent chose music so you give me idea's please.

10.there will be 7 players against 7 players (might be more), but the video will look like it has more players.

11.sides arent chosen yet, the sides WONT be countries, just teams so you can give me idea's about team names.

12. weapons are chosen by you, i will download some and design some if i dont find them.

13.it will be high quality.

14.there will be tunnels dug in the ground but with no roofs, just like a small hiding palce.

15.the camera will shake in the intro when a player hits it.
more soon...
okay, this is how you need to apply:
weapon used (only one please):
position in video:
die or not( there has to be deaths to make it epic, so its okay if you die, you will be remembered,LUL):
list of players and there scenes an weapons:
first team:
2.mnr,ak47, lives

5.kzzz,strip whip,who cares.
second team:
2.dreameater, ,dies
3.huckman,hidden dagger,lives
6.lempika,a big sword A RLY BIG ONE,die
7.playaj,energy sword,live

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if all places arent taken in 4 days ,i wont do the video , cause im leaving to another country soon.so i need all the places filled.
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im having 1 small problem: explosions.
if some one can help me with this i will be gratefull.
so go sign up.

the video will take a while since its 3d
it will have 6 or 5 minutes , depends
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i will show progress 25% 50% 75% 100%
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if somone wants to see me work them add [email protected] and i will give you the pass and id of my team viewer so you can see me work

13-6-2009: applying textures onto everysoldier

Last edited by Deadlyshark; Jun 13, 2009 at 11:08 AM.