Original Post
Decap-Application Center
Hello guys!
Do you want to join [Decap]? You can do it here!


You need:
-black belt or higher

-in-game skill
-to be active in the forum and ingame
-Fair english Spellcheck/Grammar..

How to Apply (Template)

Fill out the following

Ingame name:
In which mod you are best?:
How active are you on the forum and ingame?:
When you can be tested/who tested you?:
Any special skills that can usefull for the clan? (Optional):

You can join us by posting a application in this thread!
You dont need a video, but you need at least ONE replay!

If you donīt get a answer, PM me (Inst1nkt) back.

Noone joins us without a small test-game. In a testgame we test your skills.
After the testgame we will decide if you can join or not.

If something is unclear, just ask ;)

Last edited by PlayerID57; Aug 9, 2009 at 02:09 AM.