Original Post
THE RULES THREAD [Please Read Before Posting]
Please follow these basic guidelines before posting a replay thread or commenting in a thread:

1) The Multiplayer Replays subforum is here for a reason. If you wish to post a replay or replay thread featuring online gameplay, post it there and not in the normal Replays section.

2) When posting a comment giving critique towards a replay in someone elses replay thread, make it worth posting. Do not simply state that you found it 'bad'. Elaborate on your description or it will count as useless posting. What counts as a useless post is entirely within the discretion of the moderators.

3) Do not post your own original replays in another player's thread without visible permission from them. Edits of the OP's replays are permitted unless the OP specifically states otherwise. Also, you may not advertise your own or anyone else's thread in someone else's thread.

4) Do not make more than a maximum of two replay threads within a week, as too many threads from the same user clutter the forum and count as spam.

5) Do not bump other people's threads that are over 2 months old without a valid reason. Leave these threads as they are. Again, what counts as a valid reason is completely within the discretion of the moderators.

6) Keep the threads on topic. For example, if you're just making a post enquiring about someone's avatar or signature without any critique on their replays in your post, then use a PM instead.

7) This forum is for the sharing and critique of your replays so if you want replays for a video you're going to make, then make a thread in Design Events, NOT Replays.

8) If you wish to present your replay(s) in a custom video on this forum, that's fine as long as you attach all of your featured replays. This does NOT allow you to advertise clan videos or any other videos of the sort.

9) Any sort of clan replay threads are not allowed. You have your clan DSC for a reason.

Kindly remember these simple rules to ensure this forum is kept clean.

If you have any suggestions for amendments to these rules or the addition of new rules, please give one of the local moderators of this sub-forum a PM about it.

Thank you.
Last edited by Lane; Aug 18, 2013 at 05:22 AM.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time