Original Post
Nathan and Dirtnapp's shop

Hello, I have decided to open my very own art shop.

What do you make?

I make logos, special text, and anything else you might want excluding renders, and textures.

How much does it cost?

My art currently consists of these prices, but they will rise or fall depending on my popularity:

But if I like your request enough, I might make it free, or lower the cost.

So-so art: 1k-5k
Good art: 5k-10k
Great art: 10k-20k

How do I order?

Just describe what you want, why put a limit on creativity? Just make sure to specify if you want me or Dirtnapp to work on it.


Yes, these are a few of my many art-works.

And most any avatar I'll be wearing.

Things to know:

1. I'm going to be super active on the forums for the next 2 weeks.
2. I won't ever turn down a request as long as it follows my rules.
3. I'm a GIMP user
Last edited by Nathan; Feb 8, 2010 at 01:01 AM.