Original Post

All loyal members put [Kingdomz] In your signiture!!!

Getting official is our main priority. We are sitting on just around 60k so donate to KingdomzBank, Thathurt or Kingpin and we will push for officialness. We are in need of a clan video.

There was once a sacred land called Xythalich where the Gods lived. After the Gods moved to a better place in the Heavens, mankind built on that sacred land seven Kingdomz. Six were lesser Kingdomz, and one greater Kingdom, know as the Kingdom of Lords controlled by their King, LordxDeath! Everyone lived in peace, and wealth, provided by the greater Kingdom. Everyone was happy, especially the pheasants who lived in the greater Kingdom because, the Kingdom who provided, always keep the best for themselves. And there was no such thing as war. Until, one day the King of the six lesser Kingdomz, got together and planned to attack the Kingdomz of Lords! They were greedy, and wanted all the stuff for themselves, but they had an disagreement at waged war against each other. The sacred land which once belonged to the Gods! Had turned into a war torn wasteland. It was up to LordxDeath, and his royal advisers to reunite, The KINGDOMZ!

Get Official and Become the best of clans.

No doing anything illegal (scamming, spamming, farming, flaming)

Respect other clan members and respect the Leaders

Have a good reputation

Use formal language

If you get a free texture set from the clan, and you quit, you must not use it or sell it.!

No double claning
Have fun! :D

Clan Wars
Other Clan Events
Team Building
Making New Friends
Free Tc and Items! ( If trustworthy and a very good member)
To build teamwork
Free texture sets for the members

Members and JR. Members:

Thanks to Estete

Thanks to Wancorne

Ok, only some of the members will get this set,
Because of past troubles
The members who
-Have been in the longest
-Have posted the most
-Have been trusted
-Seen ingame
And one more thing
This set must NOT be resold

[K]Jaiden1998 - Leader, Recruiter - 8th Dan
[K]Kingpin - Leader , Recruiter/Editor - 7th Dan
[K]ThatHurt - Leader , Recruiter/Editor/Mod maker - 4th Dan

Xeldark - Co-Ldr - 2nd Dan Black
Jaiden425 - Co-Ldr - 4th dan
ItsRhys - Co-Ldr - Texturer- 4th Dan

Pizzapete8 - Elite - 3rd Dan
TheJam - Elite - 2nd Dan Black
D3rang3d - Elite - Texturer - 2nd Dan

Masterzoik - Sn. Member - 6th Dan
Modius - Sn. Member - 5th Dan
Killersam - Sn. Member - 5th Dan
Underdawg - Sn. Member - 2nd Dan
Graboy - Sn. Member - Black

BlackWrapes - 5th Dan
Yumacho - Member - 2nd Dan
Cocacobra - Member - Texturer - 2nd Dan
Dista - Member - 2nd Dan
Grimripper07 - Member - Brown

Lord - Helper - Ex-Founder - 3rd Dan
God - Helper - 10th Dan

The requirements for SN are: In clan for a minimum of 1 month, 2nd Dan or higher, and have to have moderate posting on the forums. Do not continually ask for Rank Upgrade as they will only delay it.

The requirements for Elite are: In clan for a minimum of 3 months, be at least 3rd, and post often on forums.

The length of stay in clan requirements for promotion are meant for 2/3 months straight, not 1 month in clan then you leave and come back for a month and expect SN handed to you.(You know who you are)

Helpers are NOT members.

Clan Tag:

Kingdomz is mainly an Invite only clan but depending on your skill, activeness and other factors you can apply on forum.

If you want to join, post an application.


Name: Kingpin

Belt: 7th dan (minimum 2nd dan)

Age: 16

Why you want to join: To be part of a team and make new friends. :)

What you can offer: My commitment to the clan. Also i can do banners for clan.

Favourite mod: Wushu, Aikido

How active you are: Once every 4 days

Donations are needed








All donations go to KingdomzBank













HampaDampa - Stealing Clan Texture sets

Devil1 - Disrespecting clan and the alliance our clans formed together.

If you want to post replays, just upload one with the tag "Kingdomz"

The Kingdomz Website
Kingdomz Clan Videos
On the website, you get:

General Discussion, serious chat about Kingdomz
News, news about Kingdomz
Wibbles, Talk about whatever
Items, buy and sell your items to other members
Flames, buy and sell you flames to other members
Textures, buy and sell you textures to other members
Anti-Scam, Making sure that nobody scams
Clan videos
Member Replays
Player Screenshots
Kingdomz Pictures
Signatures, images links etc
And much much more!

Last edited by lord2death; Aug 3, 2010 at 10:20 AM.