It's time for Psybient.
There's a lot of different kinds of Psybient, I mostly prefer the soundscapey kind of stuff as do many of my friends who are into Psy, so I'll go with those.

1. Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible. Not really my favourite Shpongle ablum, but incredibly accessible for anyone. It also helps that I love the first track (but not so much the rest of the album). Shpongle is interesting, as they're almost "goabient" (a genre that doesn't exist) because of their indian influence.
2. Androcell - Efflorescence. Another really accessible album, which I happen to like a bit more than the one above (but I don't think it comes close to track 1 of the above album). Much more of an "earthy" sound.
3. Shpongle - Are you Shpongled? Love track 6. Shpongle are awesome. I highly suggest their entire discography.
4. Zero Cult - Dreams in Stereo. Shows an alternate direction psybient can go (Personally don't like this as much as the soundscapier stuff).
5. Yggdrasil - Prose Edda. Favourite psybient this year. Real interesting stuff, more bass oriented than shpongley stuff.

+1: The entire shpongle discography.

Bet you never thought ambient music could be so interesting

Next genre on the chopping block: world music/ethnic fusion or ambient (as in ambient ambient). Trying to take the obscurer genres so people can step up and do the mainstream :P
Last edited by m0o; Jan 25, 2010 at 02:46 AM.