Original Post
[DSC] the Brotherhood of Seraphim
Brotherhood of Seraphim

The Brothers
AngelofDeath – Leader

Our Aim
We are looking for strong, loyal members to fill our ranks. We will rise to the top on silver wings and outshine all that are below us. We find a strong base in the virtues of
Peace, Love, Unity and Respect.

We do not tolerate disloyalty. We do not tolerate dishonor. We do not tolerate desertion. We do not tolerate dissension.

History of the Brotherhood
When the Angel of Light descended to Earth it fell on a sacred brotherhood of warriors. The angel was precious and many nations wanted the angel for their own, selfish gain. The brotherhood fiercely defended the angel. Armies fell to the brotherhood and they became known as The Brotherhood of Seraphim. Over the centuries many nations fell. The displaced warriors of these nations came to the brotherhood wanting to join in their cause but the brotherhood was not so trusting. Masses gathered around the hill that the brotherhood defended. They would call out many verses one brother. Only those proselyte that fought with all their heart and spirit were aloud part way up the hill. There the brothers tested them as they learned about the angel and to defend her. Where all others have failed the one neophyte that remains was accepted to the outer ring of the brotherhood. The adepts camp encircled the deepest order of the brotherhood that stood closest to the angel. They always stood at the corners of the angel, silhouetted against her light bestowing gifts to the brotherhood below.

The Angel of Life

The Angel of Life is the name for our clan bank. Only the Seraphine order has access to it and the password changes rapidly. It will hold all clan funds and it will be designated by a monthly budget. Budget draft is as follows.
Clan Promotions (est. 12%)
Clan Events (est. 16%)
Clan Tourneys (est. 14%)
Public Tourneys (est. 12%)
Clan Wars (est. 10%)
Reserve (est. 36%)

Our system of organization in the Brotherhood.

The Seraphine Order- A place for the most trusted

The Adept Order- A place for the trusted

The Neophyte Order- A place for those to prove themselves

The Proselyte- Those that hope to join the Brotherhood

To join the Proselytes you must PM AngelofDeath with your desire explaining what you can offer. Hang around the clan forum being generally nice and helpful and we will give you a tryout. Time period varies depending on how active you are.
Donations never hurt either.

The Untouchables- Those that have no name
Last edited by AngelofDeath; Jan 27, 2010 at 07:51 PM. Reason: Joining rights