I have always had a fascination with calligraphy. The fact that it is the art of writing itself has always intrigued so when I started thinking about what my style of texturing would be, the first thing I thought of was this ancient art.

Description of my Style:

-Monochromatic, or at least with a minimalist approach to colours.
-Long, smooth, freehand strokes.
-Not humanistic, robotic or anything really identifiable. If anything I would describe it as being abstract.

Technique of my style:

After looking through GIMP I quickly came across the calligraphic brush. I'm also lucky enough to be in the ownership of a tablet laptop. So using the calligraphic brush in conjunction with the Paintbrush Tool and pressure sensitivity I can get realistic brush strokes.

Start with a black background with white over the top as this will allow colours to be added and/or changed later on. I start by making a tribal-like shape in the centre, I don't worry if this isn't perfect as it is merely a starting point. This shape will function as the main feature of the texture, as well as the shape that will influence the overall texture. I then create shapes either side of the main that are complimentary without being overbearing.

I should note as this point that I do not make random shapes. It isn't a matter of just hoping that something will work, try to think whether you want to use triangles, squares, circles etc. This is a very shape orientated style so the shape you decide to use is critical.

Once I have the 3 shapes that will dictate the rest of the design, I decide the colours that I am going to use. This will mostly be monochromatic as I have found that this looks best and I like the contrast, but if you choose good colours it can still look nice. I find that if you are going to use colours then it is best to use a black background and have your colour on top of that.

Once this is done I start using the airbrush tool to create shading. This is especially important if you have chosen to use colours. I find that it creates a nice effect if you make your chosen colour seem to 'shine'.

Once this is done it I make small shapes that are similar to the main three shapes. I make sure not use too many of these as I don't want them to take focus from the main shapes. I also don't add the 'shine' effect with the airbrush as it makes it far to messy and cluttered.

What makes my style different:

Well I have never seen a head made using calligraphy as a big influence of the style. As well as that, the fact that is not robotic or humanoid itself means that is a lot different to most other styles.

The name of my style:

I really suck at naming stuff so I used the first words that popped into my head when trying to work out my own style. For this reason I have chosen to name my style 'Egalitarian Calligraphy'.