Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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How to remove seams on head textures (GIMP)
OK i see TOO MUCH heads in the market with what i'm pretty sure are called 'seams' (a little transparent bit at the back of the head that looks nooby). SO, i use gimp, sorry for any photoshoppers who want to know how to do it, but im sure it would be sort of the same--->>>> here we go =]

BTW im not %100 sure that this solves the problem but it worked for me

FIRST you might need to know that the 'seams' are there because of transparency on the image or one of the layers


1. if you make your texture and save it as jpg, png, etc. with all the layers separated (i.e. not merged) then look through the layers until you see a dotted line that's actually outside the canvas---looks like this:

if you merged all the layers then it should be there because one of the layers had it before you merged

2. stay on this layer and go to LAYER>AUTOCROP LAYER and just like magic the line disappears. If for some reason that doesn't work, try pressing CTRL+A or SELECT>ALL and then go LAYER>CROP TO SELECTION. If that doesn't work then i have absolutely no idea what the problem is...sorry

to see if its gone, of course, just make it into a new spinny head globe whatever you want to call it and check

hope this helped =]