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HOW TO experiment with test mod!
Hi! I thought that now we can all experiment on this test mode.

All mod files are in .../toribash/data/mod directory. Use a text editor to create file with tbm extenstion. For example:
Then start editing the file.


When we are looking from behind our hero, the syntax for now is like this:


# comment
All text after "hash" character is a comment and it's doing nothing good or wrong.


Next you will have to choose which part of body you want to edit. There are two types of elements:
these long elements ...

these balls.


From body elements we can choose from:
  • body head
  • body breast
  • body chest
  • body stomach
  • body groin
  • body r_pecs
  • body r_biceps
  • body r_triceps
  • body l_pecs
  • body l_biceps
  • body l_triceps
  • body r_hand
  • body l_hand
  • body r_butt
  • body l_butt
  • body r_thigh
  • body l_thigh
  • body l_leg
  • body r_leg
  • body r_foot
  • body l_foot


and from joint elements we can choose from:
  • joint neck
  • joint chest
  • joint lumbar
  • joint abs
  • joint r_pecs
  • joint r_shoulder
  • joint r_elbow
  • joint l_axilla
  • joint l_shoulder
  • joint l_elbow
  • joint r_wrist
  • joint l_wrist
  • joint r_glute
  • joint l_glute
  • joint r_hip
  • joint l_hip
  • joint r_knee
  • joint l_knee
  • joint r_ankle
  • joint l_ankle

Next we can modify properties of each element.


For body elements they are:

sides x y z
x - width of an element symmetrical (negative values aren't recommended) - x axis
y - length of an element symmetrical (negative values aren't recommended) - z axis
z - height of an element symmetrical (negative values aren't recommended) - y axis


pos x y z
x - position of an element in x axis (negative values are allowed)
y - position of an element in z axis (negative values are allowed)
z - position of an element in y axis (negative values are allowed)


material a
a - name of the material

We can choose from:
  • steel
  • flesh


color r g b
It's a classic RGB system.
r - red color (0.0-1.0)
g - green color (0.0-1.0)
b - blue color (0.0-1.0)


shape a
a - shape of the element

We can choose from:
  • box
  • cylinder
  • sphere



For joint elements they are:

pos x y z
x - position of an element in x axis (negative values are allowed)
y - position of an element in z axis (negative values are allowed)
z - position of an element in y axis (negative values are allowed)


radius a
a - value of how big the ball will be (negative values aren't recommended)


To run toribash.exe with an option pointing which mod to load. I see 3 ways to do it.


Use ToriMod - the ultimate Toribash mod selector utility:


Press Start -> Run and type cmd and hit enter. You will see MS-DOS terminal. Now you have to go to the game folder.

will get you to the parent folder

cd example
will get you to the directory called example

When you are in the game directory you can run toribash.exe with an option pointing which mod to load. If you want to load example.tbm, it would be like this:

toribash.exe example.tbm
(you don't have to put path to the mod directory)


Create a shortcut to toribash.exe ex. on your desktop. Right-click on it and click Properties. In the target field after path to toribash exe put the name of the mod. If you want to load example.tbm, it would be like this:

".../toribash/toribash.exe" example.tbm

That's all I know for now. If you find anything wrong or new about editing mod file - please post it here.