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[TUTORIAL] Unlocking your Nexus One

For the last few weeks I've been reading up Android development, and checking out random pieces of information. So I've decided to write up a post about what I've learned.

Unlocking the Nexus One: people say "If your Nexus One was from Google, it's unlocked". It's not, exactly. When your phone is loading up, if there is a small picture of a LOCK at the bottom of the screen - it is unlocked, otherwise it's not!

With the latest Android SDK updates, you'll find that Mac OS X 10.4 is NOT supported (
you'll run into "bus errors").

This tutorial will be for Windows.

How to unlock the Nexus One and Root it:

  • http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html - download the package for Windows and extract to a safe place on your computer.
  • http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp - download Java Development
  • Open the setup file in the Android SDK package that you downloaded and hit 'Installed Packages' then 'Update All' - might want to click 'Yes to all'.
    - If you get an HTTP SSL error or something similar, go to 'Settings' and click 'Force https:// ...'
    - Wait for everything to complete!
  • Right-click on My Computer, and select Properties. Under the Advanced tab, hit the Environment Variables button, and in the dialog that comes up, double-click on Path (under System Variables). Add the full path to the tools/ directory (e.g. C:/SDK/tools/) to the path. If something is already there... just remove it? :-D
  • On your Nexus One, go to the 'Settings' menu and go to 'Applications' then click 'Development' and finally hit 'USB Debugging'.
  • Plug in the USB cable (PC -> Phone)
  • If your computer does not locate install the USB driver for your Nexus One properly, follow these steps: http://developer.android.com/sdk/win-usb.html#VistaFreshInstall
  • Once properly installed - unplug the USB then plug it back in and see if it works (if it doesn't... reply here)
  • Now, you'll want to check to see if everything is working. Open up command prompt, change your working directory (cd) to your android SDK directory, then into tools/ - type 'adb.exe devices' if something appears - it works! (if nothing appears... reply here)
  • Next, you'll want to get your phones build number: Go to 'Settings' then 'About Phone' and scroll down to 'Build Number' and write this down.
  • Get 'Superboot' from http://android.modaco.com/content/go...the-nexus-one/ you'll need your 'Build Number' to know which one to download (get it with himem)
  • Extract, and then open the directory with command prompt.
  • Turn your Nexus One off.
  • Hold down the trackball button. Do not let go.
  • Press the power on button. Wait.
  • You'll have a white screen, with some options.
  • Click power button again, to get into 'bootloader' mode.
  • Then simply type: 'fastboot-windows oem unlock' in the command prompt (on your computer of course...)
  • You should get a 'Unlock bootloader?' screen where you can choose yes or no. (choose yes)
  • Phone should reboot and do random stuff (do you see a small picture of a lock when your phone is starting up? if so... it's unlocked now!)
  • Again, turn phone off and then get back into the bootloader.
  • Now we're going to ROOT the phone (give us proper administration rights to everything in the phone)
  • If your command prompt is not open in the superboot directory, open it. Now, simply type: 'install-superboot-windows.bat' - wait a couple of seconds, and you should get a SUCCESS etc. Phone should reboot or do something funky.
  • Go to the Android Market and download "Nexus Torch" - it's an app that only phones with root access can use. Have a play. I personally love the strobe light :-)

If you managed to do all that without a hitch, you could look into installing Cyanogen Mod on your phone: http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/index.p...v506-04152010/ read the thread and you'll see why you should install it! (I think it's great, and currently have it running on my Nexus One.)

* do you know what command prompt is? do you know how to extract the contents of a RAR, a ZIP? do you know how to USE a command prompt? do you know how to use a Nexus One?
Last edited by veb; May 22, 2010 at 12:22 PM.