Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Shop] Deridor's 3D Art

Welcome to my shop. now that the formalities have been met, let's cut the crap and get to the freakin request form:
First Request is FREE!!!
Request Form:
Type(all types below):
Image Size:
Reference Images:
Price Range:
Colors(if not in reference pic):

Reference guidelines:
Following these guidelines will provide you with a better finished product:
1) front view
2) back view
3) side view
4) (for tb head sculpts) watermarked flat (or unmarked, i dont want your heads anyways)
5) msn, yahoo, skype, or gaia IM, or irc #t3al

Tb head sculpt: 10-50k. 33% off if you follow guidelines 4 and 5
Bust (character from shoulders upwards): 5-50k. 33% off if you follow guidelines 1, 2, 3, and 5
Full Character: 15-100k. 50% off if you follow guidelines 1, 2, 3, and 5
Other: anywhere from 1k-500k depending on complexity (500k being something like this: Here which i didnt make but you get the idea )

And now for the largest part of this post, a rundown of what i can make for you:
Last edited by Deridor; Jul 21, 2010 at 11:00 PM.