Original Post
[DSC] Venom
Once upon a time the snake king romed the Earth in search for his lost son jaco the snako. He searched for centuries until one day he found him. Now he was getting old and needed an army to carry out his work of taking over toribash, he needs players to join [vn0m] to recruit, conquer and rule the toribash nation. The king anaconda has died feb. 7th 1989 and chose Crystalman to follow his archievements throughout.

.:Crystalman:. Jaco! come forth to me and bow
.:Jaco thy Snako:. yes brother I shall bow, *bows*
.:Crystalman:. I dub you a venom snakelord.
.:Jaco thy Snako:. Brother I am to do my work and search for the best worriors in toribash.
.:Crystalman:. That is right Jaco you are a lifer now.
.:Jaco thy Snako:. Post upon the joining of our snake venom warriors and conquer the whole earth with up by posting if you are clanless and we will train you and test you with your best modes.

.:Crystalman:. [vn0m] will someday flood this earth and all toribashians will become my snake worriors with an army so abundant that no other could test us not even a spartan.


Crystalman - 10th Dan BlackBelt (King Cobra)

Jaco (Thy Snako)

Defyant -BlackBelt

Recruiting will start immediately !!!

If you want to join , Please answer the following :

Name :
Belt :
Skills (Judo , Kickbox ...) :
Reason for joining :
Previous clans :

  • Please PM me so you can be invited and be welcomed to the future kings.
  • If I dont get back to you with in an hour or two then PM "Jaco" explaining why you want to join and the previous obove this text, thanks.

  • Dont spam

  • Dont flame

  • Dont pick on any noobs (except if the pick on you , but that does not mean you can flame and go crazy if an idiot flame you .)

  • Try and help your fellow toribashians and team mates .

  • Never start a clan war if its only a personal thing between you and another clan . ( PM leaders about any troubles with other clans. )

  • !!!NEVER BEG!!!

If I catch you breaking any of these rules , you will be kicked .
Have fun , but every clan must have its bounderys to have fun in .
Last edited by Crystalman; Feb 29, 2008 at 10:51 PM.