Original Post
[Toribash] veb calls for help !!!
veb calls for help!

Rebellious Gamekeepers - They formed a GANG and
robbed the GK's bank.

Help veb find them and retake Toricredits and items!

You can be the first one who will kill'em all!

in REWARD you will receive a part of them booty!


Be the first who will find in-game all Gamekeepers from the list and beat them!
Gang members will wear tags [GKgang] ingame.
example: [GKgang]Miska or GKgang[RAWR]Miska


If you beat someone from the list -save replay and post it here.
please use "edit" button and keep all your replays in ONE POST
(if attachments limit will be used, then upload replay here and add link to your post)

mod in your replay doesnt matter, it has to be original multiplayer replay with you winning GKGANG Member.
event will be finished when first person kills the whole gang (or end date - then person with the most kills).
second prize goes to the peson with the 2nd most kills.
NEW REPLAYS ONLY! - saved during this event.
please without posts like " I beat Miska but didn't save replay!" Your fault then. Do it again and save the next one.
allowed only replays with the tag [GKgang] , because we have times when we hotseats, hosting, etc. Such replays do not count for the event.

Best Hunters will get :

1st :full hunter + 512 head texture item,
2nd :hunter force+relax + 256 head texture item

heres the list of GKgang members:

1. AlphasoniK
2. Miska
3. Korvin
4. FighterKHV
5. Bust3r
6. Crux
7. Pofig
8. Aj
9. macperfect // DRAMER
10. Tart
11. Tempo
12. Fargle
13. Alan
14. Mwah

Last edited by Miska; Jul 27, 2010 at 10:55 AM.