Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[DSC] Legacy
After [m] died I got ideas to set up a new clan. We will focus in more than one gamemode and eventually will grow all-round only. So far its just me so if you would like to join our forces fill in this application. (Black Belt and up only)

Rules! (Read before applying)

1. We do not tolerate any form of nubishness.
2. If you are recruited ingame fill in the Application form.
3. If we doubt that you still have the skill we want, we may test you to make sure your not falling back.
4. Our enemies are our friends. (exept for Bloodstained)
5. Our friends are our enemies. (exept for überawesomepwnageppl :P)
6. Stay active.
7. If your not online for more than 2 weeks without PMing me a reason, you will be kicked out.

I know these rules are harsh, but we want tolerancy .

Application Form

Ingame Name:
Specialized Game Modes:
Why do you want to join [Legacy]:
Highest rank you have had:
Anything I should now?:

Clan Story

Our clan story is going to be LONG! I will have to make it in an other file just to prevent a too long post. but here is the first part of it:

As I walked over to the centre of the town birds were flying over, sitting in the trees and whistling their beautiful songs while feeding their younglings. It almost seemed as if it was the perfect spring day. I was called forward by the town's Saints to go on a quest. As I passed by the market on right side of the Central Plaza I saw my mother purchasing new fruits and other food wich I couldnt really see well. I remember he day I finished my school and got my Novice rank. I was still 13 years old and I never had the patience to wait for anything at all. I was always listed at the bottom of the lists since they were ordered alphabeticly. Just when I ealized I was allready standing in front of the Saints' Building, I heard a girl yelling my name. "Hamade!", as I turned around to see who it was I saw my sister, Heliona, "I heard you were heading here. You got a new quest awaiting for you dont you?". I mumbled something that sounded like "yes" or "I am pending for one", as I turned around to enter the building.

Well there you have it the first Chapter.

Member List

(Title explains all I guess :P) 4/4

Hamade - Main leader - Black Belt (Troubles with Qi Bug)
AaronSasori - Main leader - 6th Dan Black Belt
Blam - Right Hand - 3rd Dan Black Belt
Millie - 10th Dan Black Belt (Troubles with Qi Bug)

(Highest possible rank: Scout ability) 3/3

Franky2 - 3rd Dan Black Belt
Defyant - 2nd Dan Black Belt
ashaltaf - 9th Dan Black belt

(Medium Rank) 1/5

Screaam - 2nd Dan Black belt
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(Lowest rank) 0/7

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(Everybody who is recommended by the Scouts and isn't allowed to join yet) 0/4

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Clan Logo

(Being worked on)



Anything I forgot?
Last edited by Hamade; Mar 31, 2008 at 07:39 AM.
<Hamster> I need a towel
<Hamster> ._.