I don't agree with being professional all day every day, we don't get paid for this, we do it in our free time, and irc is generally the place we hang out on our break. It's kind of like a chef being fired for burning something at his house, or something. :z

Secondly, i do agree that the punishment was too harsh, clearly the majority of the br community took no offense to rittu's discussion in the school shooting thread, and most of the ones that did, probably couldn't understand most of what he was saying.

Thirdly, this kind of makes me worried, if i'm to slip up at all during anything im doing, toribash related or not, am i to be fired as well? Imo, this was just a case of a few members of the staff not liking/agreeing with rittu's methods, and locating a way to oust him from the staff.

Also the people who decided this did so on a whim, it took only 10 or so minutes for two people to decide to remove them, with one person(me) on the other side of the debate, but they seemed pretty determined to remove him, pushing anything i had to say about it to the side :|

This seriously makes me want to leave, but i do enjoy what i do in the market, and i really wouldn't trust it to any of the current higher ups, probably only hanz0.

also, cocks.
