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Combat Arms

Combat Arms is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed by South Korea based developer Doobic Studios and published by Nexon. It incorporates the anti-cheat program HackShield made by AhnLab

Combat Arms is massive online FPS; solely a multiplayer game, with no single-player mode. It is one of the first of its kind, and is based similarly off of Counter-Strike. Currently, there are playable Game Modes: Bombing Run, Capture the Flag, Elimination, Elimination Pro, Fireteam, Last Man Standing, One Man Army, Quarantine, Spy Hunt, Search and Destroy and Seize and Secure (See Game Modes: link for more modes). As of now, the game consists of 28 maps: (Alphabetically) Black Lung, Brushwood, Cabin Fever, Cold Seed, Costa Recon , Dark Forest, Death Room, Desert Thunder, Dredge, Grave Digger, Gray Hammer, Junk Flea, Kill Creek, Oil Rig, Overdose, Power Surge, Pump Jack, Rattle Snake, Roadkill, Sand Hog, Sector 25, Short Fuse, Showdown, Snow Valley, Training Grounds, Two Towers, Warhead, Waverider, and Vertigo. All the maps vary in terrain; some of which can change to suit the game mode. For example, in Quarantine, currently existing maps are given a more eerie feeling than they normally would have. In a mode like CTF or Rec Rules, special game items are now present somewhere on the map.

Youtube Video:

Last edited by EmpireSlay; Jun 21, 2011 at 07:25 AM.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz