Original Post
RHO-The Replay Hacker's Organization.
this org is unofficially dead until further notice.
Whether you hack for realism or hack for amazing, impossible replays, this is the organization for you.

Some people may argue, but replay hacking is a skill. You need to understand the layout of the replay file, the timing, the math, and how to make it stunning.

This organization is for people who have discovered the wonderful world of replay hacking.

In time, this organization will become a conglomeration of replay hackers, pros and novices alike. We will help and teach each other, and as a group will grow to create the best, most impossible replays Toribash has ever seen.

I ask that you have some prior knowledge of replay hacking before applying. This is not a school.

To Apply
Applications are freeform. If you lack the creativity to create an adequate application, how do you have the creativity to hack beautiful replays? However, examples of your work are required, as well as age. I have the last say as to who is or isn't in the org.

By no means am I a pro.
I am not expecting everyone in this org to be one, either.

I ask for members to be tolerant, because I understand it is not always easy to be friendly. Hardcore trolling will not be acceptable, but it's okay to tease someone now and then.. We are humans, after all.

We will have several purposes.
For example, we will provide comments and criticism for replays posted by org members. From time to time, I will host events for the best hacked replays, or for hacked replays with a certain theme or concept. Suggestions are welcome.

-Will be changed periodically as things come up.
July 22, 2011: Did it just after midnight; The IRC is up and running. Feel free to join #RHO when you're online.

Donations are welcome, but not expected. If you wish to donate something to the org, send it to Alaistier, and, attatched to the donation, state that it is for the org. Once donations have been received, I will create a link to the org's items, and will keep track of the org's TC. Anyone belonging to the org for 2 months or more, or who has previously donated, may use items from the org's stash. People who donate will also receive added power, such as op when we have ingame rooms or powers in the IRC.

Founder: Alaistier
Co-Owner: Habeeb (July 21, 2011)
Members: Milk (July 21, 2011)
Supahninja (July 28, 2011)
Dista (August 1, 2011)
TheNine99 (August 1, 2011)
Dr0pk1ck (August 24, 2011)

It's nice to have help now and then.
Moltex's replay hacking tutorial.
Skjef's .rpl file editing tutorial.
A ******* that leads to us is *******/RepHack


Lets get hacking!
Last edited by Alaistier; Dec 5, 2011 at 11:22 PM.