What kind of art do you favour?(GFX, textures, etc): I really prefer hand drawn art. But If I was to pick one out of the two examples, it'd be textures.
How long have you been interested/creating art?: Well over ten years. I have been drawing most of my days since I was a kid. As for texturing, I found out about textures not too long after I joined Toribash.
What do you hope to gain by joining us?: Basically, I am looking for inspiration. But as I mentioned earlier, I'm more of a pencil-type of guy. So I'll need quite some tips to improve my texturing. I would also love to learn how to make GFX stuff.
A few examples of your work: I will post these later, if that's not a problem. I am currently not on my own PC. Therefore, I will have to browse through my deviantART and the Art board in the Toribash forums.
Would you class yourself as a more experienced artists?: Yes. Yes, I would. But then again, that depends on what kind of art we're talking about.

I hope that covers it. Thanks for reading my applications.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad