Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Originally Posted by ViperTech
After a big overview over the logs of the Stats-Bot supported channels I saw, that a bunch of that channels are slightly dead.These channels just fill needed slots at the bot so I will take the bot out of them at the next cleanup.

Beside this I change the fee for Support-Bots from 10k one-time payment to a monthly fee of 5k. This is needed to get a quicker notice if channels aren't used anymore. Only official channel are excepted from this payment.

Over the next 2 week I will contact the channel owners of the supported channels to notice them about the changings.

So long,


If we aren't active enough we will loose the bot. Here is the link to check out activity. (Updates every 10 minutes)

Here is the link to see where I got the announcement from http://www.torinet.de/stats-bot-changeover