Well im more into death-metal too but things like dub-step aren't that bad too but the fact that all these famous dub-step producers just make a concert where they just put in a disk and scratch a few times is a bit disappointing in my opinion

Also if anyone could do it it wouldn't work out to get a millioniare since much more different dub-step and all this other stuff bands would exists which means much less money to earn for the people (which won't happen probably since there will never be that much db producers)

"Its not a matter a taste, its a psychological trend."

I could say the same about clean vocals just because more humans listen to it doesn't means that it's good . You can't really explain how music works
Last edited by Mike2k5; Oct 7, 2011 at 11:05 PM.
Videoshop:www.youtube.com/eistea1(Only good replays )TEO http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...80#post4333680 your favorite satanist