Original Post
Tv Can't hold my attention anymore.
I stopped watching tv. All I did was play video games and now that the video games are gone I can't be preoccupied with tv.
I don't even feel like playing video games right now. actually I do but I can't . I feel like reading but not at the moment
I don't know but for some reason I see myself as working multiple jobs in the future because I can't take interest in things.. All I feel like doing is working and coming home to play games and when I can't play games all I feel like doing is working... I think I might become a machine. I know I will get back to the video games soon but right now this feeling I have is just one of contentness and a little bit of boredom. I think I can escape it with some feedback from the forum or just a warm shower followed by a good read...... thanks.

can tv occupy you?
Last edited by Luminescence; Oct 9, 2011 at 01:10 AM.
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