Original Post
fishies drunken thoughts
O! O! O! dudes,
since i passed my final (oral) exams lateley, iam 1 to 3 days drunk, pissed and stoned..., IDEA came to my mind, including nutty's help: what about a drunken (and any kind of drug you can achieve or handle) RAWR tourney.
wHAt would be aLso nice, is a little money that we are going to invest, lets say every entrant 500 - 3000tc.
As I said, some drugie_productive thoughts are appreciated. Especially about the mod. I had something like 10 10 20 25 25 35 35 35 50 50 70... engage dist 155 dm 160 sambo plus dojo in mind, though mod must be discussed, last hAAS end. done
So long suckers,
guess Iam organizing stuff...
Last edited by AndTheFisH; Jun 19, 2008 at 04:02 PM.