Original Post
[Rel]Worry-free headpass.
So I've been getting into headpassing lately, and I'm sick of always having dismembers midway through the replay. I decided to take matters into my own hands and solve the problem.

Basically, this mod is pretty simple. I cranked up the DM threshold for all joints except for the neck, so the neck will break with a simple head rip, while the rest of the joints can take a beating. (The threshold for them is about 500.) I also turned up the gravity, added some engage distance, and a dojo so you can just load and play.

Here's what it looks like.

Here are the mod specs:
Engage distance: 500
Dojo size: 1000 (Circle)
DM threshold: 100 for neck, 500 for all other joints.
Gravity: 0, 0, -30
DQ: On. Sumo: Off.
Match frames: 1500
Turn frames: 10
Grab: On.

When you're online, you'll see a big green block. That's how you know you've got it downloaded.

I'm uploading the mod as I type this, so it should be available online rather soon.
Enjoy, fellow headpassers.

I've made the second version. I couldn't fix the engage height problem with Uke, but sumo is now on so that shouldn't be a problem anymore. If someone can edit the ED to make that start right, let me know. I'd love you forever.

P.S. I take requests. If you have an idea and want to see it made into a mod, let me know. I'll make it happen.
Attached Files
alaheadpass.tbm (2.2 KB, 13 views)
alaheadpass2.tbm (2.2 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by Alaistier; Jan 13, 2012 at 08:01 AM.