Preferred name (real names can be included): Joe
Gender (Just curious): penis
Qi/Belt: black
Forum Activity 1-10/10: 2 - just started to discover beauty of forum
In-game Activity 1-10/10: daily, 8
Best mod (aikido, aikido big dojo, wushu, judo, taekkyon, lenshu, other [please state]): aikido, ninjutsu
Favourite mod: skateboard stairs im still trying to jump down and dont fall...its fun. and also ninjutsu

Reason for applying (please don't state that you like the clan etc.): nice clan tag. im looking for experienced clan, with great leaders, some events, clan wars, etc and i hope that this one could be the one,
Contribution to our clan if accepted: i am active in game, facebook and tori always on
Special Skills (e.g. Art): i can play guitar
Time Zone (GMT): +1
Type of fighter (e.g. Defense): crazy one
Previous Clans (Include why you left/got kicked etc): shade, i left because nobody of clan was ever in game because they live in bad GTM.
Additional information (list/paragraph/replays):
im not scared to be tested in aikido, ninjutsu, we can try to jump the stairs together i suck in wushu, taekkyon, judo...