Original Post
(Zone) Zone
This is the part where I give you a story, of how we came to be. I tell you some lame story about some person named Koco and some story abut how they started some group or dojo, that for no logical reason they named Zone. Well to tell the truth The Zone has no story. How can you give a story to something that has always existed and doesn’t exist? Zone is its own beginning. Who created The Zone? Zone. Where is it? In the Zone. How big is it? That’s a secret that only The Zone itself knows. Can you get out of The Zone? Well sometimes people trapped in the Zone fade away, but there’s no telling how, why, or where they go; however there’s a rumor that the Zone has an end, like a wall. But that would be like hitting the edge of the universe. What would you do then? And would that be a good idea in the first place? You get the idea right? So here you are. Hope you like it here because once you get trapped there’s no escape. Welcome to The Zone.
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-Be loyal, and obey your superiors.
-Use correct grammar and spelling.
-If you’re going to represent us don’t act stupid.
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If you wish to become an ally give us a reason as to why you want to be one. Then give us a reason why we should want you as one.

None at the moment.
~To Be Updated~

To declare war with us we usually don't go through the whole PM the leaders come up with a time place and people, then hope it all goes without a hitch business. If you meet us in-game just ask, and we will say yes or no.

Our War Hisory

Last edited by Nin0fShin; Jul 10, 2013 at 01:22 PM. Reason: update