You should update the first post so I don't download it and scroll down to find there's two more updates... like I did -.-

anyway, just to be an anal mod maker I'm gonna point out that you forgot . . . . . . in your tori design. =P also the stomach and groin (the lower two peices of the torso) aren't effected by the torso colors (the red, that tori has, and blue, that uke has)

it says "W/A move camera" when it's actualy W/S, doesn't seem like the lights effect the textures.
i donno if you fixed that in the newer versions..
Awsome work though, would be cool if the arrow keys as well as left click and hold controlled camera instead of just the mouse.
Edit: ok you did that in the new version, but now lights don't work. lol
Last edited by MrPoptart; Jul 27, 2008 at 10:41 AM.